The Knitting and Crochet Guild
The Knitting & Crochet Guild is a registered national educational charity supported by subscriptions and donations and administered by volunteers. It was established in 1978 to preserve and nurture the skills of knitting and crochet and to conserve what is a major part of our cultural and craft heritage.
The Guild has accumulated an important and rapidly-growing Collection of garments, samples, domestic knitting machines, yarns, tools and ephemera related to knitting and crochet over the last 200 years, as well as setting up a well-stocked Library of books, periodicals and patterns.
The Guild has also been successful in mounting exhibitions and running courses and workshops as part of an expanding education programme. It has been active in producing commercial publications, establishing a book and Pattern Search Service and HelpLine, publishing a substantial quarterly journal (SlipKnot), setting up regional groups, providing displays and clinics at national yarn fairs, selling Heritage Kits and much more.
The Guild aims to promote the crafts of knitting and crochet by raising public awareness of these traditional skills and drawing attention to their usefulness, versatility and beauty. There is also a need to promote a feeling of fellowship amongst those still practising these crafts, including ethnic groups with their own knitting and crocheting traditions, and to encourage people to share their common heritage.
Website The Knitting & Crochet Guild
Facebook Group The Knitting & Crochet Guild
Instagram @kcguild
Twitter @kcgcollection
Pinterest @kcgcollection
Knitting and Crochet Guild on Ravelry
Unit 4, Lee Mills Industrial Estate,
St Georges Road, Scholes,
Holmfirth, HD9 1RT